Neuroscience researchers team up with Cancer Computer

Cancer Computer donated and installed a high-throughput compute cluster at McGill University to support the Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics & Mental Health. The previously used servers were donated to Cancer Computer by corporate partners upgrading their own equipment and will help advance omics-based research in both brain health and cancer.

The Ludmer Centre will now have extra computing power of 2.8 million core hours per year, which can help an additional 56 researchers with typical resource allocations.

The McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (MCIN) is located in the Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital and is led by Dr Alan Evans. Dr Evans said, “We look forward to expanding our collaboration with Cancer Computer to meet MCIN’s growing computational demands and to ensure even more researchers can access these vital research tools.”

Read the Ludmer Center news


Letter of Support from the University of Washington


Science Node: Computing for a cure